Introducing HubrisOne X & the YieldX Token

8 min readOct 15, 2020


Before we begin, please take note of the necessary important information below.

Please note: HubrisOne’s YieldX token will have no pre-mine, founders fees or seed investment, this is a fair launch.

Disclosure: We conducted a successful crowd-funded seed investment in 2018 where we exchanged ~6% of company equity. We have zero VC investors, all of our investors are individuals.

Now the boring stuff is out of the way, let’s dig in.

HubrisOne X

HubrisOne X, is a new Automated Market Making exchange protocol that is building upon the success of UniSwap and SushiSwap with a few key changes integrated. We spent significant time assessing the disadvantages of both protocols and have incorporated these changes in the HubrisOne X protocol in order to address these limitations.

Here’s a quick summary and TLDR

  • YieldX Token Contract Address:
  • Automated Market Making protocol, interactive DEX, Defi asset management and non-custodial wallet (already available via our IOS App & Android)
  • 150 YieldX reward per block during initial harvesting stage (6 weeks). The block rewards will reduce to the following schedule:
Block Rewards Post Migration~15.6 in Year 1
~8.4 in Year 2
~4.4 in Year 3
~2.2 in Year 4
~1 in Year 5
  • Deflationary tokenomics — max supply over 5 years ~124M YieldX tokens
  • 90% of YieldX tokens minted during the initial harvest bonus period will be distributed to LP’s
  • 10% of YieldX tokens minted during the initial harvest bonus period will be distributed to the HubrisOne company development fund, locked for three months, vested over 3 years. (More details below)
  • Up to, a maximum of ~4.5M YieldX tokens is available for the YieldX referral program. (More details below).

Initial Harvest Period

We have allocated approximately ~45M YieldX tokens for the initial harvesting period which will last around 6 weeks.

Block Reward — During Bonus Period: 150 YieldX Tokens per Block (15th October — 25th November) approximately 6 Weeks.

Week 1 — Week 6

90% of minted YieldX tokens will be distributed proportionately to Liquidity Providers (LP’s) who stake their Uniswap LP tokens.

10% of minted YieldX token token supply during initial harvest period will be distributed to the HubrisOne X company development fund and released/vested equally over 36 months (3 years).

Company Development Fund

Please note: We have implemented two features in the distribution of the company development fund in order to align long-term incentives of early adopters, eco-system participants and HubrisOne Technologies as a company.

The two features implemented are as follows:

  1. No developer company tokens will be released until three months after the first YieldX token is minted. There is a 3-month time lock on company developer tokens, this time lock will expire on the 25th of February 2021. The smart contract ensures only 10% of initial supply that’s minted will be sent to the company development fund during the initial harvest period, approximately ~4.5M YieldX tokens.
  2. After the time-lock expires, the company Dev fund tokens will be disbursed over a 3 year (36 months) vesting period, equally each month. Simply put, ~134K YieldX tokens will be released equally each month for 36 months which ensures long-term incentives for us as company (or skin in the game), these funds will be used to grow our team, pay for recurring costs and develop additional products and services in order for us to remain competitive and provide value to LP’s and stakers.

YieldX Supply & Block Rewards

During our token design phase, we placed great importance on managing inflation in order to maintain a good balance between rewarding eco-system participants, through rewards and ensuring the long-term sustainable growth of the YieldX token.

Once the 6-week bonus period ends, the block rewards will reduce from 150 YieldX tokens to ~15.6 YieldX tokens per block for the first year.

Cumulative Supply over 5 years: 124M YieldX tokens + a maximum of ~4.5M YieldX tokens for the protocol referral program.

Over the next five years, as mentioned above, block reward will slowly decrease — you can view inflation schedule and block rewards below

Block Rewards Post Migration~15.6 in Year 1
~8.4 in Year 2
~4.4 in Year 3
~2.2 in Year 4
~1 in Year 5

The distribution and inflation schedule of the YieldX tokens is as follows — please note, that the option for Year 5 rewards to stop or continue can only be exercised by a snapshot vote (by holders of YieldX tokens) by the end of year 5.

Post Migration & Protocol Fee Distribution

We expect to migrate c.$40–$100 million+ in liquidity to HubrisOne X at the end of 6-week initial harvesting period. The end of our initial 6 week harvesting period crosses over with the end of Uniswap’s liquidity mining period which ends on 17th November 2020. We expect to see a spike in added liquidity from the 17th November onwards.

Once we complete the migration of liquidity to HubrisOne X, each swap or exchange placed will be subject to a 0.30% fee, the distribution of the fee will be split as follows:

0.25% — Liquidity Providers
0.04% — Stakers in YieldX Staking Hub
0.01% — Sent to the Company Development Fund

The YieldX Token & Future Block Rewards

Our YieldX token will be used as an incentive and distributed proportionately to Liquidity Providers (LP’s).

Additionally, 0.04% of collected trade fees will be converted back to YieldX via HubrisOne X and distributed proportionately among stakers in the YieldX Staking Hub (YSH), more on this below.

As mentioned above, LP’s, stakers and the company dev fund will share YieldX block rewards in the following split:

~83.33% to LP's, 
~8.33% to YieldX stakers
~8.33% to Dev Fund

That’s right, YieldX stakers will also benefit from all future block rewards as an added incentive.

YieldX & Uniswap Token Rewards

Liquidity providers that provide liquidity on HubrisOne X in pools which are part of Uniswap’s liquidity mining program can also collect their UNI tokens directly on HubrisOne X.

This means you will earn YieldX and UNI tokens directly on our platform and collect both rewards for selected pools.

Providing liquidity (LP) tokens in the following pools will earn you both YieldX and UNI tokens:


YieldX Referral Program

All liquidity providers will have the opportunity to increase their YieldX earnings by referring other liquidity providers to HubrisOne X. We’ve set aside a maximum of 4.5M YieldX tokens which will be distributed to users and LP’s which will help spread the word and grow the protocol organically.

It’s simple, for each friend you refer you will earn 10% of their farming rewards.

💻 Read our quick YieldX referral guide to get started, it’s easy as 1,2,3

Please Note: You will receive YieldX referral rewards only when your referee is actively staking UNI V2 LP tokens. Once your referee stops staking LP tokens, your referral rewards will also stop.There is no limit to how many people you can refer.

To get started, simply head here and connect your wallet, and share your link: Refer Friends

Protocol & Product Development

We have high ambitions for HubrisOne X and it’s associated YieldX token, we would love to share all of our plans here today however we don’t think that would be too wise and also slightly premature, however below you will find things that are already in the pipeline:

  • Allow users to Send & Receive ERC20 Assets Directly from HubrisOne X platform
  • All wallet transaction notifications on web platform
  • Add functionality to mobile app to allow users to exchange
  • Stake and un-stake YieldX tokens directly from app
  • Add and remove liquidity directly from HubrisOne app
  • Add and remove liquidity from other pools in and app and web platform

We’re also working on some interesting ideas currently in stealth mode that will increase the revenue and cashflow being directed to LP’s and Stakers. As always, we are open to hearing ideas or features from the community and a dedicated forum page will be setup in due course.

YieldX Staking Hub

The YieldX Staking Hub is very similar to the wonderful ‘SushiBar’. Users will be able to stake YieldX tokens and earn a share of fees generated from trades placed via the exchange in addition, as mentioned previously staked tokens will also receive a share of block rewards, after the liquidity migration event.

Initial Liquidity Pools

We will kick-start the YieldX farming with the following pools. Liquidity pools with *UNI will also generate UNI token rewards as well as YieldX rewards:

Liquidity Pool       Reward Received

Over the course of the initial harvesting period we will add additional options for LP’s to provide liquidity in order to earn YieldX rewards.

Getting Started & Key Links

💻 Start Farming YieldX Tokens: You can begin depositing Uniswap V2 LP tokens in our interface here

✌🏽Refer Friends: Earn 10% in YieldX rewards from each friend you refer access here

📈 HubrisOne X: Exchange tokens and acquire UNI V2 LP tokens to stake directly on HubrisOne X without switching to & from Uniswap — we’re using Uniswap liquidity for now.


Our smart contracts have been forked from a combination of Uniswap & SushiSwap smart contracts. Naturally, we have made some amendments in order to incorporate the changes noted above. Currently, our smart contracts are yet to be audited by a third party audit firm however they have been vigorously tested and audited by our internal teams.

We will invite/engage at least two reputable smart contract audit firms in the next few weeks and share the results accordingly.

Disclaimer: This project is in beta, please read through contracts before using. If you feel there are any critical issues with any of our smart contracts please email




Written by HubrisOne

All in-one crypto & defi platform.

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