HBRS Staking Tutorial

3 min readApr 18, 2019

What you will need:

Metamask installed

Basic access to Etherscan

Follow the steps carefully to Stake your first HBRS tokens. You will need to meet the minimum threshold in order to be able to Stake successfully. There is no upper limit and there is no restrictions to how many Stakes you can have.

STEP 1: To participate in the HBRS staking program, please go to https://etherscan.io/token/0x432555e5c898f83fc5f00df631bd9c2801fea289

STEP 2: Click on “Write Contract” tab:

STEP 3: Click on “Connect with Metamask” and follow instructions to connect to Metamask.

STEP 4: Enter _spender address as 0xc6fa9b2c0febcc1dee33e7050cf5a52ecc53022fand number of tokens you wish to stake (followed by 18 zeros).

Then click on “Write” and follow Metamask instructions to post-transaction on Ethereum blockchain. Wait till this transaction is successful.

STEP 5: Go to https://etherscan.io/address/0xc6fa9b2c0febcc1dee33e7050cf5a52ecc53022f

STEP 6: Go to “Write Contract” tab and click on “Connect with Metamask”. Follow on-screen instructions to connect:

STEP 7: Scroll down to section “3. Stake”. Enter number of tokens you wish to stake (followed by 18 zeros)

Enter the number of months (1, 3, 6 or 12) and click on “Write”.

Follow Metamask instructions to post-transaction on Ethereum blockchain. Wait till this transaction is successful.

Now you have successfully Staked!

To check your Staked amount, accumulated rewards, etc. you can go to “Read Contract” tab here:

You can check total Staked by scrolling down to section “3. totalPrinciple”. In the field , please enter your wallet address.

You can check your accumulated rewards by scrolling down to section “7. accumulatedRewards”.

You can also check if your stakes are read to claim by going to section “8. isReadyToClaim”. In the field “_owner”, please enter your wallet address.

To claim your stakes, you can go to tab “Write Contract” and scroll down to section “2. claim”.

Click on “Write” and follow Metamask instructions to post transaction on Ethereum blockchain. Wait till this transaction is successful.

If you have any issue Staking your tokens make sure you meet the minimum Staking requirements and double check above requirements.

https://t.me/hubrisoneofficial https://medium.com/@hubrisone/hubrisone-launches-hbrs-beta-staking-rewards-program-dfa67879253d

Originally published at https://blog.hubrisone.com.

